Monday, 1 September 2014

Buenvenidos El Salvador

13 to 28 June 2014 in El Salvador

El Salvador is one of the most dangerous countries in the world with the highest number of gang and drug related killings. On average 16 people die each day in shootings and targeted killings, that's over 5000 per year. Not too long ago, high ranking members of the church together with gang bosses have negotiated a cease fire (waffenstillstand) and the statistic now shows a 40% drop in gang killings. How long this will hold, no one knows. Whereas in Rio, we heard shootings every night, in San Salvador (the capital city) it was literally "dead" quiet. Somehow, it is a very strange feeling traveling and living in a country that is actually ruled by criminal gangs. The only reason you don't see so much violence at the moment is not because the good people have won, but the bad people have actually won the war. 

So, why the hell do we travel to such a country, our parents will now ask :-) We definitely wanted to visit Central America because of its abundance in natural beauty. And all neighbouring countries, including Costa Rica! have a similar bloody history and are just as dangerous. In this case, we actually had a secret wepon: two good friends from South Germany who have not only survived but actually live happily in El Salvador for two years. Christian and Aleks were our trusted insiders, our personal body guards and travel companions. 

Leaving Lima/Peru at 4:10am in the morning, we landed at 7am at San Salvador Airport. The final 10 minuntes of our flight were at low altitude along the coastline and then a sharp right turn over dark volcanic beaches and thick rainforest which was glowing in all shades of green in the morning sun. We were so excited, especially after those grey days in Peru, everything appeared so bright and happy and lively. Over the next weeks, this did not change :-) The people are actually very friendly and open. The country is small but there is lots to see and lots more to do. We explored the coast, went on a  surf trip, encountered a group of dolphines that came right up to us so we could almost touch them. Came back with fresh seafood that we grilled in the evening with friends. We hiked straight up 1700 meters on an active vulcano accompanied by police guards to make sure we did not get in trouble with local gangs. We saw giant Iguanas munching away on mangos as well as plenty of pretty birds and butterflies. Of course we had yet again severe food poisoning and fever, like in South Africa, Mosambique, and Brazil. We ate the most amazing fresh fruits and vegetables like mangos, avocados, coconut that are being sold along the road for very little money, because they just grow on every tree around you. Played at the National Beachvolleyball Championships with and against the best players of the country...and I could go on and on and on. But I have to stop here because we are just now leaving Vancouver/Canada by train to go to Seattle/USA and have a window seat with great views of a golden autum sunrise at 5:30am. 

We would like to say a big thank you to Aleks and Christian for inviting us into their home and showing us a beautiful part of Central America. We had a great time with you guys and will take lots of colourful memories with us. See you back in Germany next year. 

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